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This is a Map Pack of 3 maps, all surrounding a common theme. They can be used in a variety of ways in your existing campaign. Each map has an alternate version as well as several perspective views of the battle map.


Blistering blizzards and chilling snowstorms are everyday occurrences while traveling through the Rime Wind Wilderness. Only the strongest of adventurers can bear the intense coldness that the snowy lands produce. Civilization is sparse this far up north, so be extremely careful. Wild winter beasts of all kinds roam these expansive lands looking for a warm meal to viciously devour.



Map 1: Arctic River Crossing

Fresh snow patches blanket sections of the frozen river’s surface. The slick ice of the river crossing has fatally cracked everywhere, creating a dangerous place for adventurers to traverse. Be cautious not to fall through the ice, the frigid temperatures of the wilderness are cruel and unforgiving.


Map 2: Fissure to the Abyss

Splitting the solid rock beneath the snowy surface, the earth has ruptured a fissure that seems to drop to complete darkness. At night, an immensely bright light shines from the depths of the mysterious gash. Rumors say it’s the entrance to the underworld, the terrifying and ruthless abyss. What in the nine hells could be down there?


Map 3: Glacial Gateway

In the vast and barren lands of the wilderness, a glacier wall stands high above the towering trees and heaps of snow. A mysterious door formed of ice crystals is embedded into the side of the glacial wall as a snow-covered bridge crossing leads to the gateway. What mysteries could be hidden inside this massive glacier?


Items included in this Map Pack:


3 Unique Maps

  • Arctic River Crossing - Day
  • Fissure to the Abyss - Day
  • Glacial Gateway - Day


  • 3 Alternate Maps (time of day/features)
    • Arctic River Crossing - Night
    • Fissure to the Abyss - Night
    • Glacial Gateway - Night


  • Grid / No Grid Options (12 maps total)


  • 3 Perspective Images per map (eye-level view)
    • Arctic River Crossing - Day(3 Feature Images)
    • Fissure to the Abyss - Day (3 Feature Images)
    • Glacial Gateway - Day (3 Feature Images)


  • 3 Perspective Images per Alternate map (eye-level view)
    • Arctic River Crossing - Night (3 Feature Images)
    • Fissure to the Abyss - Night (3 Feature Images)
    • Glacial Gateway - Night (3 Feature Images)


  • 4K Maps / 1080P Perspective Images

3-Map Pack: Rime Wind Wilderness


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