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This is a Map Pack of 3 maps, all surrounding a common theme. They have been designed to flow into one another to create a series of encounters as you travel through the fortress. Each map has an alternate version as well as several perspective views of the battle map.


Fortress Haleheart is the only castle-keep for miles in every direction, isolated from civilization and surrounded by the unpredictable threats of the wild. It is a safe haven for travelers from all walks of life, providing a hearty meal and a soft bed for a long night’s rest, seemingly protected from the dangers of the wilderness. A modest crew of misfits and vagabonds command the small but mighty fortress, each sworn to protect the stronghold from the threats of the wild that exist beyond the walls.


Map 1: Ashlar Gate
Sturdy stone walls that rise upwards nearly 40 feet serve as the fortress’ main defense against the outside dangers. Ashlar Gate is the sole point of entry and exit within the entire stronghold, thus it is heavily guarded by the lookout crew, combining their efforts to always keep watch - day and night.


Map 2: Kindred Yard
Central to Fortress Haleheart is the Kindred Yard, the crossroads of all who reside within the keep. Travelers from every stretch of land roam the area, some sharing joyous stories with one another, and others merely resting near a quiet corner as they take in the sounds of the lively fortress. Some rest can be nice every once in a while for an adventurer who lives a hard life on the road.


Map 3: Parley Hall
Oversized wooden doors lead into a spacious room utilized for large gatherings - a mess hall throughout the day, a blessed temple every so often, an abode to remain warm in the brisk nights. The aspiration of Parley Hall is to provide a space to those who are in need, however, the true function of the structure is a final line of defense against any who may choose to infiltrate Fortress Haleheart.


Items included in this Map Pack:


  • 3 Unique Maps
    Ashlar Gate - Night
    Kindred Yard - Night
    Parley Hall - Night


  • 3 Alternate Maps (time of day/features)
    Ashlar Gate - Day
    Kindred Yard - Day
    Parley Hall - Day


  • Grid / No Grid Options (12 maps total)


  • 2 - 3 Feature Images per map (eye-level view)
    Ashlar Gate - Night (3 Feature Images)
    Kindred Yard - Night - Night (3 Feature Images)
    Parley Hall - Night (2 Feature Images)


  • 2 - 3 Feature Images per Alternate map (eye-level view)
    Ashlar Gate - Day (3 Feature Images)
    Kindred Yard - Day (3 Feature Images)
    Parley Hall - Day (2 Feature Images)


  • 4K Maps / 1080P Perspective Images

3-Map Pack: Fortress Haleheart


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